Hi, my name is Yourui Guo.
I'm a software developer interested in
Machine Learning and Web Development.
Sound Relaxation Exploration using Reinforcement Learning

Sounding the Islamic Garden

Music Classification According to Cantometrics Features

UMAP Notes
(Originally from https://pair-code.github.io/understanding-umap/) - Dimensionality reduction is a powerful tool for machine learning practitioners to visualize and understand large, high dimensional datasets.
Database Interview Questions
Relational database: RDBMS stores data in the form of a collection of tables and relations can be defined between the common fields of these tables. Most modern database management systems like MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2 and Amazon Redshift are based on RDBMS.
Javascript ES6 features
Arrow functions: Arrows are a function shorthand using the => syntax. Defining variables: let -- cannot be redeclared, declared before use, block scope. const -- cannot be redeclared, updated, block scoped. properties of const object can be updated. Spread operator: three dots (…) to obtain the list of parameters. Template literals: To create multiline strings and perform string interpolation.
Highly-motivated and creative M.S. graduate in Computer Science,
passionate about Machine Learning and Software Development.
- Adept at tackling problems with ease and thinking independently.
- Excited to learn new technologies and collaborate with others.
- Proficient in a range of modern technologies including Python, C/C++ and JavaScript.
- Seeking opportunities to software engineer, Machine Learning developer and data scientist.